Water Efficiency Plan
East Larimer County Water District (ELCO) provides drinking water to homes and businesses located north and east of Fort Collins, Colorado. ELCO is a "covered entity" 1 as defined by Colorado Revised Statute (C.R.S.) 37-60-126. Covered entities are statutorily required to “develop, adopt, make publicly available, and implement a plan to …. encourage its domestic, commercial, industrial, and public facility customers to use water more efficiently.” ELCO has had a water conservation program in place since 1996, prepared its first water efficiency plan (WEP) in 2007, and updated the WEP in 2016. This WEP update summarizes the District’s previous water efficiency efforts and identifies water efficiency goals and activities to implement moving forward.
ELCO's Water Efficiency Plan was updated and approved in 2024.
Click here to view ELCO's Water Efficiency Plan